complaint part 2

 `(i) to assemble and give the data 

required by passage (3)(K); and

``(ii) to generally assemble and give postal

shipment data identified with -

``(I) psychological oppression;

``(II) things the importation or

presentation of which into the United

States is precluded or limited,

counting controlled substances; and

``(III) such different worries as the

Secretary decides fitting.

``(B) Provision of hardware and innovation.- - With

regard to the arrangement of hardware and innovation

under subparagraph (A), the Secretary may rent, credit,

give, or generally aid the arrangement of such

hardware and innovation under such terms and

conditions as the Secretary may endorse, including

nonreimbursable credits or the exchange of responsibility for

hardware and technology.''.

(2) Joint vital arrangement on limit building.- - Not later

than one year after the date of the establishment of this Act, the

Secretary of Homeland Security and the Postmaster General

will, in meeting with the Secretary of State, mutually

create and submit to the suitable congressional panels

a joint vital arrangement -

(An) itemizing the degree to which U.S. Traditions and 

Fringe Protection and the United States Postal Service

are occupied with limit building endeavors under area

343(a)(5) of the Trade Act of 2002, as included by

section (1);

(B) portraying gets ready for future limit building

endeavors; and

(C) evaluating how limit building has expanded the

capacity of U.S. Traditions and Border Protection and the

Postal Service to propel the objectives of this Act and the

corrections made by this Act.

(c) Report and Consultations by Secretary of Homeland Security and

Postmaster General.- -

(1) Report.- - Not later than 180 days after the date of the

authorization of this Act, and every year from that point until 3 years

after the Postmaster General has met the necessity under

condition (vi) of subparagraph (K) of area 343(a)(3) of the

Exchange Act of 2002, as corrected by subsection (a)(1), the

Secretary of Homeland Security and the Postmaster General 

will, in discussion with the Secretary of State, together

submit to the fitting congressional boards of trustees a provide details regarding

consistence with that subparagraph that incorporates the accompanying:

(An) An evaluation of the status of the controls

required to be proclaimed under that subparagraph.

(B) A report in regards to new and existing assentions

come to with outside postal administrators for the

transmission of the data required by that


(C) A rundown of considerations between the United

States Postal Service and outside postal administrators with

regard to issues identifying with the transmission of that


(D) A rundown of the advancement made in accomplishing the

transmission of that data for the level of

shipments required by that subparagraph.

(E) An appraisal of the nature of that data

being gotten by remote postal administrators, as

dictated by the Secretary of Homeland Security, and

moves made to enhance the nature of that 


(F) An outline of arrangements set up by the

All inclusive Postal Union that may influence the capacity of

the Postmaster General to get the transmission of

that data.

(G) An outline of the utilization of innovation to recognize

unlawful engineered opioids and other illicit substances

in worldwide mail distributes arranged acquisitions

what's more, progressions in such innovation.

(H) Such other data as the Secretary of

Country Security and the Postmaster General consider

fitting as for getting the transmission

of data required by that subparagraph.

(2) Consultations.- - Not later than 180 days after the date of

the institution of this Act, and each 180 days from there on until

the Postmaster General has met the prerequisite under provision

(vi) of area 343(a)(3)(K) of the Trade Act of 2002, as

changed by subsection (a)(1), to mastermind the transmission

of data as for at the very least 95 percent of the

total number of mail shipments depicted in provision (I) of

that area, the Secretary of Homeland Security and the

Postmaster General will give briefings to the fitting

congressional advisory groups on the advancement made in accomplishing the

transmission of that data for that level of


(d) Government Accountability Office Report.- - Not later than December

31, 2020, the Comptroller General of the United States will submit to

the fitting congressional boards of trustees a report- - 

(1) evaluating the advancement of the United States Postal

Administration in accomplishing the transmission of the data

required by subparagraph (K) of segment 343(a)(3) of the Trade

Demonstration of 2002, as corrected by subsection (a)(1), for the

level of shipments required by that subparagraph;

(2) surveying the nature of the data got from

remote postal administrators for focusing on purposes;

(3) surveying the particular level of focused mail

introduced by the Postal Service to U.S. Traditions and Border

Security for review;

(4) portraying the expenses of gathering the data

required by such subparagraph (K) from remote postal administrators

what's more, the expenses of executing the utilization of that data;

(5) surveying the advantages of accepting that data with

regard to universal mail shipments;

(6) evaluating the achievability of imposing a traditions charge

under area 13031(b)(9) of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget

Compromise Act of 1985, as revised by area 2, on

universal mail shipments other than Inbound Express Mail

benefit in a way steady with the commitments of the

Joined States under universal assentions; and

(7) recognizing suggestions, including proposals

for enactment, to enhance the consistence of the Postal

Administration with such subparagraph (K), including an appraisal of

regardless of whether the identification of illegal engineered opioids in the

universal mail would be enhanced by- -

(A) requiring the Postal Service to fill in as the

proctor for worldwide mail shipments containing

merchandise; or

(B) assigning a traditions specialist to go about as an

shipper of record for worldwide mail shipments

containing merchandise.

(e) Technical Correction.- - Section 343 of the Trade Act of 2002

(Open Law 107-210; 19 U.S.C. 2071 note) is altered in the segment

heading by striking ``advanced'' and embeddings ``advance''.

(f) Appropriate Congressional Committees Defined.- - In this segment,

the term ``appropriate congressional boards of trustees'' implies -

(1) the Committee on Finance and the Committee on Homeland

Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate; and

(2) the Committee on Ways and Means and the Committee on

Oversight and Government Reform of the House of



(an) Existing Agreements.- - Any controls recommended under segment

343(a)(3)(K) of the Trade Act of 2002, as altered by segment 3(a)(1),

will be predictable with the commitments of the United States under

global understandings.

(b) Future Agreements.- -

(1) Consultations.- - Before going into, on or after the

date of the institution of this Act, any postal settlement,

tradition, or other global assention identified with

global postal administrations, or any alteration to such an

assention, that could confine the capacity of the United States

to anchor the arrangement of development electronic data by

outside postal administrators, the Secretary of State ought to counsel

with the fitting congressional boards of trustees (as characterized in

area 3(f)).

(2) Expedited transaction of new assention.- - To the degree

that any new postal settlement, tradition, or other universal

understanding identified with global postal administrations is important

to anchor the arrangement of development electronic data by

outside postal administrators as required by directions recommended

under segment 343(a)(3)(K) of the Trade Act of 2002, as revised

by segment 3(a)(1), the Secretary of State


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